just the facts
I’m a multidisciplinary creative living in Los Angeles. I design, art direct, blog, photograph, recipe develop and write.

Most of my time is spent working as a graphic designer designing and art directing in the stationery and gift/speciality worlds. I’ve also worked as a designer in the publishing and marketing worlds.

I’ve got diverse set of print, web, branding, packaging, marketing and management experience. I’ve led a company-wide rebranding and visual language overhaul, as well as marketing campaigns across retail, ecommerce, blogs, social media and traditional media.

I also run a healthy food blog where I develop and photograph healthy recipes, talk about nutrition and how to create and enjoy healthy food. I also collaborate with companies and brands interested in spreading health, wellness, and good food.

just the fun
I’m a voracious reader of books and blogs.
Type is my thing. I notice it everywhere and think about it a lot.
My brain is a sponge. I love learning and remember a lot of things.
I pay attention to the little things. I blame that on watching too many spy movies.
Organization makes me happy.
I find solace in being on a bike or practicing on the mat.
I write a webcomic drawn by Alain Norte.

You can view my resume here and on LinkedIn.

E-mail me: aimee (at) accentaigu.com

Let’s design something together! I am available for freelancing.
Email me at aimee (at) accentaigu.com.